Hello there!

Hello there!

I’m ..., a passionate front-end developer dedicated to exploring the vast, ever-changing landscape of web development. With over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve journeyed through the evolution of HTML, played with the versatility of CSS, and delved deep into the dynamism of JavaScript. This blog is a chronicle of my adventures in coding, a space where I share insights, tips, and tutorials to help fellow developers navigate the front-end realm.
Front-end Engineer
2020 –   
Engineering Manager
2020 – 22
Senior Front-end Engineer
2018 – 20
My fascination with front-end development began in the early 2000s, a time when websites were a blend of table layouts and experimental CSS. Since then, I’ve witnessed the rise of responsive design, the advent of CSS preprocessors, and the revolution brought about by JavaScript frameworks. What captivates me most about front-end development is the power to bring designs to life, creating interactive experiences that engage and inspire.
Me working on my laptop
I used to get butterflies just thinking about speaking in front of others, but now, you'll often find me sharing my coding adventures and front-end tips at meetups and webinars. It's been quite the journey from nervous wreck to someone who actually enjoys the spotlight. Every talk, with its own set of hiccups and high fives, has helped me get better at breaking down tricky topics into fun, digestible bits. Honestly, it's pretty cool to connect with folks who geek out over the same stuff I do, and I'm all about making tech talks as enjoyable as a chat over coffee.
React Summit
Figma Config
Next.js Conf
As we stand on the brink of new technological advancements, the possibilities in front-end development are limitless. Through this blog, I aim to inspire, educate, and empower developers to push the boundaries of what’s possible on the web. Join me in exploring the cutting-edge of front-end technologies, crafting beautiful, efficient, and accessible digital experiences. Let’s embark on this coding adventure together.
Building Durable Component APIs
Nov '23
We might not need CSS-in-JS
Mar '23
Different types of design systems
Oct '21